Monday, February 25, 2013


We had a busy day today. In the morning Ken took the truck in to Spike's Ford for the second oil change for our F450. Although the truck has only 14,644 miles on it, they recommended replacing the fuel filters, so that was done also. Now the truck is ready to travel!

While Ken was out doing that, I was working on plans to buy the lot in Green Gate Grove. I found and saved a couple of Texas Warranty Deed forms. A few phone calls went to arranging for a termite inspection tomorrow morning. I spent some time on the phone with our contact at Miller RV Insurance. Unfortunately it turned out that they were not able to write a policy in Hidalgo County. I made several other phone calls, mainly being told I needed to speak to someone else and they would call back. You get the drift.

In the afternoon we went to Darryl's C-1 workshop, where we got advice from friends and encouragement. Darryl called some unusual Plenty formations, which the floor had some difficulty with. Good practice, and we had some excellent squares.

Afterward we went to meet Ray and Twyla. They showed us a copy of their deed to the lot. Ken took photos so we could copy the wording. Ray showed us some fish photos, including some great strings of halibut and salmon he caught in Alaska. He also showed us photos of his farming operation in South Dakota, where his family raises wheat and corn among other things. He runs pheasant hunts on his land too.

When we drove home it was twilight. Near Bentsen Palm Village we saw several Border patrol vehicles with flashing lights. An officer jumped out of one to apprehend a couple of suspects, and we saw other suspects being rounded up. We have seen lots of Border patrol vehicles and helicopters over the last few years, but we've never actually seen them chasing people before.

The big project tonight was typing up the warranty deed, substituting the correct information for our purchase. We watched a Nature episode we had recorded: Cracking the Koala Code. It was about the plight of koalas in Australia, where their habitat has been squeezed by urban development.