Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Yakima River Canyon

We slept in this morning. Ken got up before I did and watched the birds eating fruit from the bush outside our window. We don’t know what kind of bush it is, but evidently the birds love it.

After breakfast we hiked up the canyon wall on the other side of the road. We saw mainly lots of scrub and a nice view from higher up. We’ll go farther tomorrow maybe with our hiking sticks—it’s pretty steep. We walked down to a nearby fishing access area (Washington State, not BLM) and then along the river for a mile or so. We found some lovely wildflowers and a few butterflies.

Some campers left today, but more have joined us. Mainly it seems to be tenters and anglers. We were concerned that the campground would be full, since it’s a holiday week, but so far only maybe eight sites of the 23 are occupied.

I defrosted the freezer today. That’s not my favorite job, but it does give me a chance to find out what’s hiding in the back that I haven’t seen for a while. I found a bag of cranberries and made some fresh cranberry sauce for dinner.