Saturday, July 28, 2012

Sandy Delta Exploration

Our adventure today was a bike ride to the nearby Sandy Delta Park. It's a mainly undeveloped recreation area, but there are Forest Service roads and some official trails. There are lots more ad hoc trails, and the signage is not very helpful.

We followed some of the trails. We started off along the 1000 Acre Road, but at some point lost track of it and followed smaller trails toward the Sandy River. We finally got to the bank of the river, where we found a couple of women and their kids. They had collected several aluminum cans, which they found "decorating" a small tree.

Banks of the Sandy River

On the trail

Bird blind near the Columbia River

Each board is engraved with the name of a species as named by Lewis and Clark, the date when they saw it, the common and scientific names and the current status

Picnic at the end of the trail!

A lot of the trails were quite primitive, with tree roots and washouts and such, so the biking was not like our usual paved surface experience. My leg muscles are letting me know that they're not used to this kind of workout. On the way home we stopped by the Lewis and Clark State Park and explored, trying to find a trailhead for a hike up on the cliff side, since we've seen people up there. Ken found an indication on the map that there is a "butte trail." We'll plan to check it out another time.

This evening we watched parts of the Olympics opening ceremony in London. (We have the DVR set to record all the Olympics programming.) The show was a fantastic celebration, but so diverse and quirky it's difficult to take away any single theme, except maybe that the Brits are great. One bit of technology that really wowed us was the electronic pixel arrays in the audience, which flashed huge animations on a "screen" of people in the stadium.

This evening Ken checked and aired the truck tires. We installed the "theft deterrent" covers on the sensors for the duallies. They fit now since we have valve stem extensions.

Something is not working right in the process of emailing photos to the blog. We've sent them three times now, and they haven't arrived. If they don't appear by tomorrow, I'll have to manually upload them. Darn! (The photos arrived mysteriously on 7/29.....)