Friday, January 27, 2012

Lunch with Friends--and a Show

Today we scurried around cleaning the truck. We even removed everything from the bed (the generator, blue boy, milk crate and cover, and the acorns and leaves and needles. It's amazing how nice and clean the truck looks. Ken moved it around to the inside circle to take some photos to send to the Ford dealer in Manhattan, KS. That's because we've bought an F450--or at least it's on order, and the Silverado will be a trade in. We're working with Gary Floyd, and he's been very helpful. He works with Phil at New Horizons all the time. He even said that they will spray in the bed liner and then take the truck over to Phil to have the hitch installed, so everything will be ready for us when we arrive.

This morning we went over to Green Gate Grove to visit with Steve and Jan. We had asked them if we could come over and talk to them and check out their new DirecTV HD DVR. They invited us to not only pick their brains on the DirecTV but to also join them for lunch.

Jan made steamed veggies with cheese and spaghetti squash with fresh herbs grown in her garden. Steve grilled chicken breasts, and we brought over a salad. Later, Jan served a really good pie made with sugar-free white chocolate pudding mix and fresh fruit.

We also called Kay at Kay's RV in New Mexico to tell her that our planned pickup date has moved up. Now we'll have to clean up the rig and take photos to send to her to see how much she'd like to bid on it. Everything seems complicated, but little by little we are unraveling the Gordian Knot! This is all going to work out.

At 6:50 p.m. we went over to the clubhouse for the Freddie and Sheila show. This is the third time we've seen them, and they're always very entertaining. We were pretty much the last to arrive so we got to sit in the back row. As usual, we really enjoyed their brand of humor and music. Freddie is just a virtuoso guitar player, and we really like Sheila's voice. The relationship between them seems warmly genuine too.

We stopped by Gary and Judy's today to pick up the sink covers. We hope they will fit our sinks and match the countertops, but we expect they will. I will probably only keep and use one of them, but Judy said she had no plans to use either, so we took both.