Tuesday, January 10, 2012

At Home

Ken wasn't feeling too great today, so we scrapped our plans to go dancing this afternoon and we had a pretty quiet day. I did a load of laundry and fixed some barley vegetable soup for lunch. We did our usual walk around the park, but we waited until afternoon when it had warmed up a bit.

I sorted through a couple of drawers. We're trying to consolidate some of our "stuff" in hopes of not transferring too much excess to the new rig. Keeping that excess trimmed out is part of an ongoing battle against my packrat tendencies (but we might need that pack of floppy disk labels someday!).

Tomorrow we'll be going to the Don-Wes Flea Market with some friends. Bob and Pat were scheduled to go also, but Pat has come down with the respiratory ailment that's been affecting lots of people. Steve was out yesterday buying Mucinex for Jan. We're hoping that Ken will be feeling better by morning.

The produce vendor was here today, and I got another pineapple. We'll have an opportunity to buy produce tomorrow at Don-Wes too, but I don't have much storage space left, so I'll have to restrain myself.