Monday, January 30, 2012

Lab Tests

We started the day today fasting because we both had appointments to have blood drawn at 9:00 a.m. It's not a problem for me to postpone breakfast a bit, but not having my morning coffee? Not so good. Fortunately our doctor's office has a Flavia coffee maker, so we picked up cups of coffee on our way out to drink on the way home.

This afternoon we danced to Darryl as usual. Steve and Jan were there, but we are still missing Hardy and Judy. She is recuperating from her thyroid removal surgery. There were 11 squares on the floor, plus one couple sitting out, for a total of 45 couples. That's our high point for the year, since some short timers will start leaving on February 1.

We stopped on the way home for diesel and to pick up some groceries. Ken also bought a new shaver and nose hair trimmer (but not a "body groomer"!).