Sunday, January 15, 2012

Breakfast and a Movie

Sunday again, so we met our friends for breakfast at Angel's. We had a small group today--just five of us--because the sick ones were still home (getting better, we hope).

This evening we went to the discount theater again, this time to see Tower Heist. It's a classic comic heist film, but with a current events twist: the victim of the heist is a Bernie Madoff type character, played by Alan Alda. He's the villain you love to hate, so it's really satisfying to see him escorted into prison at the end of the film. Eddie Murphy plays the professional thief who is recruited for his nefarious skills.

The film has some funny moments and good lines. Alan Alda turns in his usual great performance. But in the end, the film doesn't seem to hold together very well. It's hard to care much about the characters because we don't really get to know them. The movie ends with one of the most creative, unusual resolutions ever: the workers who have been defrauded are shown opening packages, all of which contain pieces of a gold Ferrari.

I called Ed back and left a message. He returned my call quickly--ending the little game of phone tag we've been playing. He sounded good, especialy for an almost 44-year-old.