Monday, January 2, 2012

Federal Holiday

Today is a federal holiday. The only real impact that has on us is that the post office isn't open, so we couldn't stop by and try to motivate them to find our missing mail.

It was cool this morning, but pleasant and sunny for our walk. We were soon carrying our jackets. This afternoon we went to our first square dance of 2012 at Tropical Valley Acres. Darryl's voice was a bit weak, since he was recuperating from some throat problems over the holidays, but his calling was as good as usual. We had seven squares, well more than the last couple of weeks, and we saw lots of old friends who have just recently arrived in the Valley.

We stopped at Sally's Beauty Supply. Judy had highly recommended the Gelish Basix Kit and curing lamp. They were out of the lamp, and the price on the kit seemed pretty high, so I decided to shop around. I'll probably order from Amazon. The reason I'm interested is that my nails have been peeling despite my diligent efforts to keep them trimmed and put on nail hardener. Judy said hers were peeling too, and now she has nails. The acrylic strenthens the nails so they don't peel and so they have a chance to grow out. I'm about ready to try anything.