Saturday, December 10, 2011

Rainy Day!

We woke up this morning to rain--and it rained pretty much all day.The area needs the rain, but this was a bit much! We were without power for several hours, and so were parts of the entire area. Fortunately, we have our inverter, so we carried on pretty much as usual.

We put up our Christmas decorations today. They look pretty much like they did last year. The lights are cheery, and the pointsettias add some color to the room.

This evening we picked up Steve and Jan and went to Diaz Diner in Mission for dinner. The menu is quite extensive, including both Mexican staples and American items. Jan had the beef brisket special, while Steve and Ken and I stuck with the Mexican plate, a standard assortment of tacos, enchiladas, chalupa, with rice and beans, all topped with cheese. They make their own chips and salsa, too.

Afterwards we went back to the Texas room and played a card/board game called Social Security. It's evidently a variant of Pegs and Jokers. Both games are similar to Parcheesi or Sorry, but there's more strategy possible in the game play, because you have a hand of five cards an can choose which to play. We played one round with the cards exposed so Steve and Jan could teach us the game. They we played two more rounds. The guys won the first, and Jan and I won the second, but both games were very close. All in all, it was a fun evening.

Tomorrow morning we'll have breakfast with the gang at Angel's, so now off to bed.