Friday, October 21, 2011

We Can Tell the Weekend Is Starting

Our only neighbor in the Bright Star camping area moved out this morning, leaving us alone. But not anymore. This weekend, a YMCA Father/Child (Princesses) group from Arlington has almost the entire campground reserved. Our loop is full of tents and little girls and dads. The shrieking is mostly coming from the little girls....

We talked with a park police officer this morning who told us the group will have a haunted trail operating tomorrow evening in the Oak Grove tent camping area, and everyone in the park is welcome to attend. We'll go check it out.

Today we drove in to Sulphur Springs, a 15-mile trip from our campground. We picked up our mail at general delivery. Not much there, but we did get a postcard from Michelle Obama, with a family photo and a request for a donation. We got our new credit cards, but most of the rest wasn't worth paying to have forwarded. We haven't been able to convince the Elks not to send us their magazine. We have third class mail discarded by the Escapees mail service, but some ads and appeals are sent first class, so there's no way to avoid them.

Then we went to Scrubbies Wash to do some laundry. Finally we did our grocery shopping and headed home. When we got back, our loop was nearly full, with kids everywhere.

When we took our walk this evening, we were greeted by the smell of burgers cooking everywhere. We haven't seen many animals today, but we did hear the armadillos rustling in the leaves.

Here's one of the amazing trees we've seen in the campground. Doesn't it look like a fun tree to climb?

The weather has gotten much warmer. Ken is still fighting a cold.

Aunt Iris called tonight. She sounded good. She says Beth is flying to New Orleans to babysit for Shirley's grandson, William, so Sarah and her husband can attend the Navy ball. Beth is an honorary grandma to William and obviously quite dedicated. Iris says there must be someone in New Orleans qualified to watch the child!