Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Cold Front

The weather forecast says there's a cold front coming in tonight, with rain tonight and tomorrow. So far we haven't seen any evidence of that. We had a warm sunny day today, and it's still 78 degrees at 7:30 p.m. But we went ahead and put things up outside, including the bikes, after we went for a bike ride.

We don't ride our bikes often enough to stay in shape, and our legs sure let us know it. There's no level ground around here, and even though the hills aren't too steep, they're too steep for our our of shape bodies!

We were beginning to think that we'd be leaving our camping area pretty much deserted when we leave in the morning, but this evening we got a new neighbor. A Montana pulled into site #13, two down from us.

Our big job for the day was Gel Glossing the front cap. We got out early enough this morning to get it done before the sun had a chance to heat it up too much. I did the upper part, balanced on the ladder set in the truck bed. Ken did the lower part. We were cleaning up and feeling pretty good about our accomplishment when I ducked under the front overhang and managed to very solidly bang the top of my head against it. Ouch!!! That left me with a headache and a sick feeling for the next few hours, and my head still aches tonight. Darn, I guess I need to wear my bike helmet when I'm working around the rig. Or just stop ducking under the overhang?

We are getting reports from our friends who are already down in the Valley. They danced to Joe Saltel today. Can't wait to join them. But first we are headed to Tyler tomorrow and then Lewisville next Tuesday. I'm looking forward to seeing friends and family.