Sunday, October 30, 2011

Christie Meets CSI

That's how the program describes the adapted version of Agatha Christie's play, "The Unexpected Guest." Carol took us to the Tyler Civic Theatre Center to see it today. We've never been to this theater before. We got there quite a bit early, so it was easy to park, and we spent a very pleasant time walking around the adjacent Tyler Rose Garden. A surprising number and variety of roses are in bloom.

No flash photography was permitted during the performance, but we got this shot of the set while the audience was gathering. As you can see, it's a cozy theater in the round. Like all Christie stories, this one provides an abundance of suspects and plenty of misdirection, keeping the audience guessing until the end.

I especially enjoyed the performance of Tom Young as one of the detectives. He's a physics and astronomy teacher at a local high school, and Carol knows him from church. He plays a somewhat distracted and comical character very effectively.

At the intermission we stepped out on the balcony overlooking the Rose Garden.

Before the show, we went to Luby's Cafeteria for lunch. Most of the crowd surrounding us were dressed up in their Sunday best, having arrived after church services. We anticipated a long line, but it all moved quite smoothly, and our food was delicious.

One of Dick and Carol's neighbors was constructing an elaborate tent when we arrived today. Later on our evening walk we took pics of the "Nightmare on Eagle Street," a haunted tent.

After a light supper, we all sat down to watch "60 Minutes."

Jeff is back from Qatar, according to his Facebook postings. Ken tried to call today, but got his voicemail. He and Tiffinie are both very happy to have him home.