Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Little Red Car

The first thing we did this morning was take our truck in for repairs. We got a red 2009 Chevy Aveo from Enterprise--what a change! It's so small and light that it seems to float around on the road, and it turns on a dime. We're completely spoiled, so we'll be glad to get our power doors, power windows, power seats, automatic climate control with separate passenger controls, Nav system, etc..... back when we pick up our truck tomorrow. At least we are hoping it will be ready tomorrow afternoon so we can head to Las Vegas on Thursday.

We went to La Bella Cafe for dinner again. This time we had the yellow fin tuna topped with strawberry mango salsa with risotto and lightly grilled veggies. Our meal was topped off by some honey cheesecake that was absolutely to die for. Sarah's Wicked Cheesecakes are available from the website for $20 plus shipping, and we may find ourselves ordering one.

Chef Wayne stopped by to talk with us and showed us his kitchen. It is just amazing that he can turn our gourmet food with such limited resources. He has big plans to open restaurants in all 50 states. If he does, we'll go to them. The first might be in the Phoenix area.

We did our laundry in Cottonwood again. I picked up some more of the wonderful organic strawberries and another heirloom tomato from Safeway.