Saturday, December 13, 2008

Sam Is Two

Today is Sam's second birthday, but his mom says that he is insisting that he is four. He is definitely a charmer. Julie posted some pictures of the birthday party on photobucket. It's not the same as being there, but it is wonderful to be able to see the photos so quickly at a distance.
Cate helped her brother celebrate.

We decided to put up our Christmas tree and decorations. This is the first Christmas we'll actually spend in Venture, and the holiday lights add to the Christmas feeling.

We got up at 9 after staying up late last night and had a lazy day. The wind blew, as it has been doing a lot lately. Ken put the rope lights we had bought around the patio, so we have some light at night.

We took a cd of our photos from last night over to share with Gary and Mary Ann and got copies of their photos. I showed Mary Ann how to email photos, so we hope to get more from them. They leave in the morning to celebrate Christmas in Kansas with their kids.

Breakfast was ham and french toast with applesauce topping and grapefruit. Supper turned out to be fish soup--mainly because I goofed and thought I was adding some frozen chicken bits to the soup, but they were actually tilapia intended for fish tacos--oops. The soup was okay but not especially good, so won't do that again....