Monday, December 29, 2008

Into the Wild

Jerry Story's dance was dark today, so we were able to attend a talk at the clubhouse on keeping RV carpets clean. We were so impressed that we scheduled a cleaning.

This afternoon Ken finally took the truck in to get a fuse installed in the windshield washer heater--a recall that we'd been waiting for some time to have completed. On the way home he stopped at the Video Hut and rented the movie Into the Wild. We watched it with Gary and Mary Ann. The film is based on the true story of Christopher McCandless, who rejected what he saw as his parents' materialism and hypocrisy, gave away almost all his money and traveled to Alaska to live in the wild. Sadly but predictably, the young man died.

Some have suggested that Chris is not the idealistic seeker portrayed in the book and movie, but rather a troubled young man suffering from schizophrenia or some other mental illness.