Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Dinner 2008

Christmas dinner was at Hardy and Judy Pottinger's house. We enjoyed a scrumptious turkey dinner and great conversation. It's very rewarding to have friends who've lived or wintered here in the Rio Grande Valley for years. We learn a lot about life in the Valley from them.

Dinner included turkey and all the trimmings, including some delicious green beans with almonds Judy made and a lovely salad Doris brought. For dessert we brought brickle bars, a chocolate pie, a lime jello/cream cheese/tofu pie, and a strawberry jello/cool whip/tofu pie. The brickle bars were a hit.

The place next to Hardy and Judy's is for sale, so we took a few minutes to look it over--part of our campaign to get smarter about Valley real estate.

Later we finished the day with bowls of tomato soup. Dinner had been a typical holiday feast--lots of delicious dishes. So the soup was all the food we needed for the rest of the day.