Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Busy Day

We danced this morning to Joe Saltel. Hardy and Judy stopped by towards the end of the dance and invited us to join them for lunch at Taco Fiesta, along with Bob and Pat. Hardy has recovered nicely from his cataract surgery and is scheduled to have his second eye done this Friday. The surgeon predicts that Hardy will have 20/20 vision.

After lunch we dropped Ken's Electra off at Bicycle World to have the headlight repaired. Then we went to McAllen Convention Center to buy tickets for us and for our neighbors for a holiday concert next Tuesday. The new convention center complex is quite impressive.

Then we stopped by Best Buy for Ken to look at cameras. He wants to replace the Kodak that has quit working (probably because it was involved in a collision with the ground when Ken fell crossing a stream while carrying it).