Saturday, December 27, 2008

Farmer's Market

Today we got a Christmas package from Italy, which included gifts from Greece and Portugal. Thanks, Terri and Blake and Molly! Here's a photo of the tiny chess set for Ken:

We also got Christmas cards and letters from some friends, which we were late picking up because we had misplaced our mailbox key (we're sure it's around here somewhere . . . .) Dennis and Linda's letter includes a photo of their new home, which we saw in progress when we visited this summer. It looks completed, but they plan to spend the next two years finishing the interior. But they won't be starting on that project this month--they're spending Christmas in Hawaii with their kids. Ed and Marlyn's letter hits the highlights of their many activities and travels during the year, as well as news of their kids and grandkids--and the newest member of their household, Bear, a Golden Retriever.

We went to Donna, TX, this morning. First we visited Victoria Palms RV Resort, a very large complex which includes a hotel, motel rooms, mobile homes, and RV spaces. It's an attractive park with great amenities, but we prefer a quieter atmosphere and larger spaces.

Next we went to the Don-Wes Flea Market just down the street. It's a pretty standard flea market, but seemed a bit overpriced in some cases ($1-$2 for paperback books, for example). So we moved on to the Farmer's Market, just across the street, where we found abundant fresh produce. The citrus was especially attractive and reasonably priced. We picked up a few things (no room in the fridge for much more), including some poblano peppers we had for supper in a chile cheese casserole.

On the way home we stopped at Sun Harvest, a health food/grocery store that carries a large selection of bulk foods.