Saturday, April 6, 2013

Carrots and Beet Greens

Another gleaned crop was being given away today: local carrots. We picked some up, and I'm planning to roast them tomorrow. We were out walking and passed by just as someone was getting ready to discard the tops from some gleaned beets. I sauteed them for dinner. It's great having fresh from the field produce.

We had a quiet day today, no outings, to rest up from yesterday. I did pull everything out from the cargo bay and clean and reorganize it. Same with the truck bed. Not exciting, but I do have a positive sense of accomplishment.

More and more people are leaving and heading north. The park is becoming quieter, and we don't have to dodge as many golf carts and bikes when we're out for our walks.

My laptop is acting up. Today it started turning the trackpad back on at intervals when I've turned it off. I much prefer a mouse, and it's nearly impossible to type without brushing the trackpad, which makes the cursor jump around erratically on the page. I have such a love-hate relationship with all my electronic devices!