Sunday, April 12, 2015


We went over to visit again after our brunch and walk. Ed rescreened a screen door, with Ken's help. Adzi had torn the top completely up trying to get in the house. Ed added a complete layer of heavy metal mesh on the outside of the screen: guaranteed to stop Adzi (we hope).

Ed and Cate and Ken and I played a game of Ticket to Ride, the deluxe anniversary edition we gave him for his birthday. It has little tins to hold the trains, which are much more detailed than in the basic version. It also incorporates some of the 1910 version trips and rules. Ed beat us all by quite a bit (he had both longest train and globetrotter). I was a distant fourth.

Jesse was very proud of the array of planets hanging from the ceiling over his top bunk. He is very enthusiastic about astronomy and space exploration, so of course he knows the names of all the planets. He's a traditionalist--still including Pluto.

Cate will be going to Dallas in May to compete in the Private School Interscholastic competition in the spelling bee.