Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Million Dollar Quartet

Ed and Julie took us to a performance of Million Dollar Quartet at Angelina College, put on by the Angelina Arts Alliance. We had fifth row center seats for a high energy evening. The show was underwritten by the Loving Auto Group and the Brookshire Brothers Charitable Foundation. Ed was able to get four tickets as an employee of Loving Honda. We wished that more had been available so the kids could have come too, but they enjoyed staying with Papa John.

Cate is spending the night at Papa John's to be ready to leave very early tomorrow morning for San Antonio for the fifth grade class field trip.

Earlier today we managed to close up and move the rig to Love's Travel Stop to dump the tanks. We had been concerned because the heavy rainstorm a couple of days ago saturated the ground. It was sunny yesterday and today, which definitely helped, but we still dug some pretty deep ruts in the muddy grass. We were very glad to be back in our site with mission accomplished!