Saturday, April 25, 2015

Earth Day at the Zoo

We took the kids to the zoo again today, this time to celebrate Earth Day.

We got a map with lots of stations marked on it with conservation and animal awareness crafts and activities. We got to see lots of the animals again too. The lemurs were making a raucous noise.

Grandpa Ken was kept busy making photos of the events.

This photo was published on the Ellen Trout Zoo Facebook page!

Making bead necklaces from magazine pages

Smiling for the camera!

Painting with pine needle brushes

It's a Nene, Hawaii's official state bird.

"Bears" in the bear maze, looking for food during each season of the year.

Bears crossing a highway have to watch out for cars. Our "bears" have to watch out for flying beach balls. Jesse was a casualty!

Is your hand as big as a bear paw???

This class studied butterflies and are now helping to educate other kids about butterfly life cycles.

Making bird feeders with peanut butter and seeds.

Tired and hungry, we headed home for lunch. Then at 3:00 p.m. Sam had a birthday skating party. His sister and brother joined in, and a good time was had by all.

After dinner we went back over to visit and play a game. Ed and Sam and Jesse and I played Monopoly Jr. Sam won!