Thursday, April 30, 2015

Happy Birthday, Carol!

Today is Carol's 75th birthday. We drove in to town to see her and Dick and especially to wish her a very happy birthday. We touched base and agreed to meet up at the Caldwell Zoo on Saturday, each of us with two grandsons in tow.

Dick pointed out that you can see the Park Place Nursing and Rehabilitation Center behind their back fence and said that one of the residents is none other than our friend Faye Nell Monzingo. He goes to visit her about once a week. She has both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes and can hardly stand up with a walker. I would like to go see her while we're in Tyler for the next month.

We stopped at Tyler State Park on the way back home to walk. The office was closed, so we'll have to ask next visit for a trails map. Today we drove back to the Big Pine campground, where we've stayed before in our Excel. We walked around the campground and on the trail across the dam and into the woods.