Friday, March 20, 2015

Busy Day

We had a treat today: Todd Fellegy is filling in for Darryl for a few days. Darryl is off calling in Bakersfield, where many of our good friends from Southern California are no doubt having a great time.

Todd called an interesting and challenging C-2 session. We had nine squares, which is good considering that dancers have already started heading north. Randy and Darlene even came to dance. Todd didn't call anything especially difficult--except that we are not used to his voice and unfamiliar with his choreography. We had a couple of exceptionally good tips and some others that were a bit less so, but all of it was enjoyable.

We stopped at the 99 Cents Only store on the way home. There is only one in the area, and it's near the dance location. I used to shop at these stores in California, where they are more numerous. This one opened here a couple of years ago. Things have changed, as I knew they must. Much of the merchandise is still priced at 99.999 cents, but they now carry some things at higher price points.