Saturday, March 7, 2015

Biking to the State Park

The weather relented a bit today, so we took advantage of the mild weather to bike down to the state park. Lots of other folks were in the park too, including some serious birders. A female blue bunting had been spotted at the Green Jay blind. A notice was posted on the Texas RBA (Rare Bird Alert), and that always draws the crowds. We didn't see that bird, but we did see an Altamira oriole, cardinal, lots of red-winged blackbirds, chachalacas, grackles, and mockingbirds.

We did a bit of tree trimming, but we need a tall ladder to finish the job. We did some trip planning and may have found a really nice place to stay in Nice.

This evening we played cards with Jan and Steve and Jean. Steve was in a lot of pain this morning, and they thought maybe he had overdone it by walking to the movie at the clubhouse last night. But during the day it eased off, and by this evening he was doing much better. We played some Five Crowns and some Play Nine. Amazingly, I won both games handily. We had fun. Jean shared a bottle of Cul-de-Sac Cabernet Sauvignon. Steve wasn't drinking because of his meds, and Jan found it too dry. The rest of us found it okay for a $3 a bottle wine. It's HEB's new house brand.