Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Last Day in Paradise

For our final day on the island of Kauai, we headed north. Our first stop was Kilauaea Lighthouse and Wildlife Refuge. Visitors can't actually go upon the lighthouse, but Kilauea Point is a marvelous place. From the overlook, you can see Crater Hill, where red-footed boobies nest.

Several species of ocean birds frequent the area, including Great Frigatebirds, who are the pirates of the bird world. They chase and harass birds who have managed to catch some food, scaring them into dropping the food. The Frigatebirds move in and catch the dropped food in the air. Outside the gift shop, a volunteer stood on duty, protecting a downy seven week old Wedge Tailed Shearwater chick, waiting patiently for its parents to return with food.

We drove on north, stopping at various beaches to explore. At one we saw an endangered Monk Seal resting on the sand, with signs warning visitors not to touch or bother the seal.

We ended up at Kee Beach, at the end of the road, literally. A small cul de sac fronts on the lifeguard station for the beach beyond.

On the way home we stopped at Paradise Shave Ice. We shared a Honalei special, lime, cherry, and banana shave ice over macadamia nut ice cream. The ice cream was good, but we don't have to have any more shave ice--not our favorite.