Wednesday, May 21, 2014

South to Cottonwood

It's been four years since we were in Cottonwood. We are looking forward to revisiting some of the spots we enjoyed on our last visit and to exploring new adventures.

As we drove south from Flagstaff on I-17, we could see the billowing smoke from the Slide Rock wildfire along Oak Creek Canyon, on 89A to the west of us. The wind is from the south, so this area is in no danger, but 4,500 acres are burning, and many people have been evacuated.

We're at Dead Horse Ranch State Park, with great views and not too many neighbors. We're expecting the campground to be full over the weekend.

This should be a great place to watch the new meteor shower expected Friday night. We're definitely in a dark sky area and with a wide view of the sky.

When we opened our door this morning, we found a cute note taped to our assist handle. It featured a photo of a prairie dog apparently waving and a note inside from the owners of the park thanking us for staying and inviting "come see us critters again." J & H RV Park shows careful attention to detail in every aspect. It's the cleanest, best maintained, most compact, most carefully designed little RV park we've ever visited.