Monday, May 5, 2014


Another quiet day close to home. We spent some time today updating and changing passwords for our many accounts, and especially the ones that LastPass told us were impacted by the Heartbleed bug. This sounds like a straightforward operation, but when you consider that many of these sites are ones that we access not only on our laptops, but also on our phones and tablets, the job takes longer than expected. That's probably why we've been putting it off. Unfortunately, we have a lot yet to do. One day maybe people will be freed from this complex task by using biometric logins. Can't wait.

On our walks today we reviewed some of our C-2 square dance call definitions. Tomorrow on our walks and drive we'll go over more of them. We're hoping that we'll be able to dance reasonably well in Albuquerque on Wednesday evening.

We watched another episode of Cosmos tonight--another spectacular episode. We learned a lot and were amazed by the complex unfolding history of our planet Earth.

Tomorrow we'll be leaving Abiquiu Lake and moving south. We're promising ourselves that we'll be returning to this beautiful spot.