Saturday, May 17, 2014

Fatman's Loop Hike

The Fatman's Loop hike was recommended to us by our friend Judy Self. The trailhead is just a couple of miles from our RV Park, and we were lucky to find a parking place at the trail head when a car pulled out. Actually the parking lot serves several hikes in the Mt. Elden area which are quite popular, so parking can be a problem especially on weekends.

This is one of several alligator bark junipers

Here's the narrow opening between boulders that gives the hike its odd name.

At the top, wonderful vistas

Lovely wildflowers along the trail

This evening we went for a walk around the nearby Elden Pueblo. We're planning to walk more of it while we're here. J & H RV has no trails, and there's nowhere nearby to walk.