Sunday, May 18, 2014

Laundry Day

We woke up today to lots of wind. It's the sort of thing you notice a lot more when you live in an RV than when you live in a house. Fortunately it wasn't cold, and we went for our walk at Elden Pueblo. The trees there are definitely not thick, but they still provide a lot of protection from the wind. We walked about pretty randomly and followed our crumb trail back. We were startled at one point by an animal bounding away. My first thought was deer, but clearly too small. Ken said jackrabbit. We're used to seeing cute little bunnies, not these long-eared vigorous leapers!

Then we drove to the nearby Supermat to do our laundry. The machines worked fine, and our clothes are clean, but we were very happy to leave. The incessantly repeating rock music wasn't our favorite. When there's a TV in a laundromat turned to boring or annoying daytime TV shows, we can usually choose machines farther from the speakers. The Supermat helpfully puts speakers everywhere.

We made a quick stop for groceries and headed home. After we put away the clothes and the groceries, it was time to go out walking again. We drove to a nearby trailhead we had noticed. It is signed only by a hiker icon, so we weren't sure what kind of hike we would find. It turned out to be the Sandy Seep Trail, part of the same trail system as Fatman's Loop.

We didn't walk far, just half a mile out and then back. It's a popular trail for hikers and mountain bikers. According to the signboard, it's also an equestrian trail, but we saw no evidence. We'll have to go back another time to explore more thoroughly.