Friday, September 7, 2012

Out to Milford Lake Again

We decided to move out to the lake for the weekend, since work on our punch list won't start until Monday morning at 7:30 a.m. Just as we were getting ready to hitch up, the 50% chance of rain came through. It read pretty steadily for a while, but then let up and became just a light shower. It was still overcast and windy, but we figured the weather would improve through the day, so we headed out.

We were lucky to get into site #A3. It's a 50 amp site with a great view of the lake.

Looking out our living room window

We walked around the campground this evening. We're in Loop A; Loop B has 30 amp electricity and more sites, including three pull-thrus. We stayed in one of those on our maiden outing in April.

I called my Uncle Jesse to wish him a happy birthday today. He's 82 this year and still doing pretty well. He's looking forward to bow hunting season. He says that Essie Lee is doing well, and it's been four months since Billy was in the hospital with his diabetes. Billy sees the doctor every day.

I called Aunt Helene too. She's ten years older than Jesse and will celebrate her 82nd birthday in October. She says she is doing okay, but that she's given up driving. I think that was a wise decision, since she is having trouble with her eye sight.

Chris called. The call was on speaker phone, which always makes it a bit difficult for me to make out, and it's even more fun when there are other people moving into and out of the conversation. Anara had a great time at Kumoricon last weekend, and Chris and Shawn had fun at the coast. Their friends Michael and Kathryn drove over to visit with them too. The big news is that Shawn has a firm job offer with Clackamass County. It will require a longer commute (to Oregon City), but she likes the people and is looking forward to the job.

Today I defrosted the fridge. It certainly isn't one of my favorite jobs, but a small price to pay for the privilege of spending time in such beautiful places and having the freedom to roam, but be always at home.

This evening we watched a Masterpiece Mystery Inspector Lewis episode we had recorded. It's one we watched when it aired initially, but we're perfectly able to forget the solution to the mystery and enjoy it a second time.