Saturday, September 8, 2012

Around the Lake

We drove around the lake today, checking out other parks and campgrounds. The bottom line is that we like West Rolling Hills, where we are now, the best. Many of the others are older and have rough or narrow interior roads and short sites. Some would have sites we could fit, but they're closer together or don't have such nice views.

Here's Ken's photo of the panoramic view of the lake out our windows:

Tomorrow is my birthday. Ken says I should enjoy being 66 while I still can. Of course he beat me to 67 by almost four months.

Somehow our two Corning Ware pots managed to shatter each other tonight. Shatter is the word, too: we'll be finding little glass slivers for weeks. I managed to find replacements on eBay, fortunately.

I broke the first one quart double spout pan we had a few years ago and found a replacement on eBay. This will be the second replacement (third pan)--so maybe third time's a charm and this one will survive longer.

The teapot was much easier to find. Instead of the blue cornflower pattern, we got the wildflowers pattern. We got the original one at the Mission Bell rummage sale for $3. Of course we're paying much more for the replacement, but it's something we use several times a day.


Tom and Donna Clapham said...

Happy Birthday girlfriend! We celebrated Donna's Bday yesterday and our 17th anniversary too!!! So what did we do???....go out to eat at our favorite restaurant Sayler's Steakhouse in Portland!! rockin'

Tom and Donna Clapham said...
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