Monday, September 24, 2012

New Neighbors

We got up early, and Ken went to talk with Ken U. Of course they weren't ready to work on our rig, but Ken said "in a couple of hours." Meanwhile, we checked over the truck again and discovered that our problem was a tire after all. The steel braided tire extension on one of the inner duallies had torn away, taking a pressure/temperature sensor with it and breaking off the steel valve stem to boot. Of course all the air was gone, but the outer dually took over for its work. We took the truck to a tire place, but they didn't have a steel valve stem to fit it. They suggested the Ford dealer.

We talked to someone in service, who checked with their parts department. They did not have a valve stem, but they knew the part number and where to order one. We ordered an extra to have on hand. We sat in the customer lounge while they installed the valve stem. We wanted to chat with our sales rep, Gary Floyd, but it turned out that he had left ("to take care of the farm").

When we got back to New Horizons around 2:00 p.m., Ernie came by with the fork lift and moved our rig over outside the service building. This was progress, but not much was done today, since the workers generally leave at 3:20 p.m.

We have some new neighbors. Their 39' Majestic was pulled in next to ours in front of the service building. We introduced ourselves to Steve and Donna Jones and their cocker spaniel Pistol. They have an HDT and a Smart Car, and they invited us to watch them unload it.

We spent some quality time in the New Horizons customer lounge today with Stuart and Lynn and Robbie and Abby. Progress was made on their repairs, and they are now parked in front of the paint booth.