Thursday, September 20, 2012

Katy Trail

We got up early this morning to be first in line for flu shots at 8:00 a.m. We wanted to get the Fluzone High Dose vaccine, and only a limited number of doses were available. Then we hurried to attend a seminar on Preventive Maintenance. We got some good tips. The final seminar we attended was on RV safety, presented by a law enforcement professional. One of the things he recommended was a motion sensor security light.

We went home to have a salad before going to the first annual chili cookoff for CARE. Lots of folks had cooked up a crockpot full of their favorite chili recipes. You could "vote" for one by pitching into a donation bucket for CARE. We tried at least a dozen different kinds, plus some cornbread. It was a great way to eat lunch and help CARE. We're betting this isn't the last chili cookoff.

Witchy Chili


Chili tasting--yum!

Lynn, Ken, and Lee: Utah Rocks!

Someone had put a card for a free haircut at Cost Cutters up on the bulletin board. Presumably they won it as a door prize but couldn't use it. So I got my hair cut today. I was hoping for a nice trim but ended up with very short hair. Good thing it grows out!

We skipped the closing ceremonies of the Escapade to go for a bike ride on the Katy Trail. It's a Rails to Trails trail with a twist: it's also a state park, a very long narrow one indeed. We rode for only thirteen miles, but we got some flavor of this excellent trail. It's hard pack gravel, except for a detour along city streets in Sedalia.

Out in the country

Whimsical display

We stopped at the Depot, a restored train station, where we found a very nice bike shop. My seat post has been loose, and we haven't been able to get the seat tight, which is very inconvenient! The owner cheerfully agreed to have a look at it. He fixed it good as new for free. It turned out that the clamp had gotten a bit rusty and stiff and just needed some lubrication to set it right. It's sure nice to deal with friendly small town folks!

Historical Depot

After dinner we had two New Horizons couples over for a visit: Lynn and Stuart Jeffries, whom we had met in the Valley, and Lynn and David Cross, whom we had met at Camp Horizons. We had a good chat about our experiences with our new Majestics. Lynn and Stuart are headed to Livingston to volunteer at CARE this October--exactly what we did in October 2010. Lynn and David will also travel to Livingston for a few days. They're on a mission to visit all the Escapees parks. Then they'll head to Arizona, or possibly to their lot at Park Sierra in Coarsegold.

Tomorrow we head back toward Junction City. We're planning to stay at Lake Shawnee Campground near Topeka. Before we leave, we have an appointment to get our rig "Smart Weighed."