Saturday, September 1, 2012

First Oil Change

Our F450, which we picked up in April in Junction City, now has just over 7,100 miles on it, and yesterday it started popping up a message: Change oil soon! So this morning we drove to Rock Springs. We ended up buying an oil filter from the Ford dealer and having the oil change done by Walmart. The Ford dealer was too busy, and we didn't have time to wait. Meanwhile we had lunch and did some shopping.

We walked over to check out the Petroglyphs, etc. Turned out they were many miles away.
During the night, we were joined by a few other rigs....
It was 2:00 p.m. by the time we hitched up and pulled out of Rock Springs, so we revised our plans and decided to stay tonight at RV World Campground in Rawlins, WY. Much to our surprise, when we pulled in to the campground, we saw another new Horizons Majestic. It turned out to belong to Dave and Renee Zittel. They kindly welcomed us into their home and shared with us some of their experiences as New Horizons owners.

We took advantage of the nice clean laundry room at the park to get our laundry done for another week.

Now we're again trying to figure out a travel schedule. The problem is that we'd like to spend a couple of nights at a nice, quiet inviting place between Fort Collins, CO, and Ellis, KS. There's really not a lot along that route, but I'm sure we'll find something.