Monday, September 21, 2009

Work Day

We decided to take a break from immersing ourselves in Boston history and get some chores done. First we took the truck to the Sunoco station where the owner, Bill, installed the fuel filter for us. It turned out that we had neglected to remove one of the old gaskets, so we were trying to jam two gaskets together (not a good move). The good news is that next time we'll be experts at this job.

While we were waiting, we noticed that the adjacent shopping center had an REI, so we went to check it out. Ken got a shirt and I got a pair of shorts.

When we got home we ate lunch and then tackled the job of emptying the tanks, filling up on fresh water, and trying to find our slideout leak. We think we have determined the general area of the leak, and when we dump Friday we'll try to pin it down even more.

I had a flash of insight while we were working on all this--an aha! moment. I've been trying to bathe Sweetie in a low basin, which doesn't work too well. She hates water and wriggles out. I realized that I could use the plastic tub we have our hoses stored in as a doggie bathtub. It worked great. Well, Sweetie didn't think so, but at least she's a bit cleaner.

While we were at it we also removed all the furnace registers and cleaned under them and vacuumed, etc.

For dinner we had roast chicken breast and butternut squash soup. It's the first time I've made squash soup, and it came out delicious.