Saturday, September 5, 2009

Sunny Day

Today was sunny and pleasant. Everyone has been commenting on the unseasonably warm and sunny weather that is forecast for the whole week. It's only in the very low 70s, but with sunshine that was warm enough to tempt us out to sit and read by the pool. We did dip our toes in the water, but ended up getting in the hot tub for a while instead (we are Southern California wimps, I guess).

We don't have a view of the southern sky, unfortunately, and TIVO is complaining that it is out of programming information. We took the opportunity to watch part two of David Copperfield that we had recorded on Masterpiece Classics. Copperfield was my favorite book ever when I read it at 13--I was a sucker for Dickens' sentimentality, and of course it's one heck of a gripping tale.

We were told when we set up camp that we would have to boil the water to drink it, so we are using water from our tank instead, hoping that we have enough to last a couple of days if we're careful. We'd just as soon not have non-potable water in our system, even though we could disinfect it.