Friday, September 4, 2009

Vermont, USA!

We left Quebec behind this morning, after having used the balance of our Canadian currency by buying diesel. This time we were prepared for customs--we had eaten all our oranges. The customs inspector was friendly and gave us no trouble.

We were glad to find ourselves back in the USA and called Verizon first thing to drop our North American Plan, which has been costing us $40 extra per month. We also hoped to be able to use our Verizon modem, but as it turns out, the campground where we are staying has no cell service. Fortunately, they do have WiFi.

We spent some time in the hot tub and then tried out the pool, but even at 80 degrees, it felt too cool. Tomorrow perhaps we'll try again when the sun is shining on the pool. I'll have to be careful to use sunscreen. When we took our bike ride the other day, we forgot sunscreen and I definitely got a bit of burn on the back of my neck.