Sunday, September 6, 2009

On to Burlington

This afternoon we headed for Burlington, hoping to stay at the North Beach Campground. When we reached the highway and had cell service, we called and found that (surprise!) they had no sites available tonight. Ken got out the Elks Lodge directory and found that the lodge in Burlington has four electric sites, so that's where we are now.

The lodge is quite near North Beach, so we rode over on our bikes to explore. We got a map of the Island Line Trail which runs along the shore of Lake Champlain. It includes the Burlington Bike Path and the Causeway to Grand Isle, so maybe we'll be able to bike to the island.

Sailboats on Lake Champlain--Adirondacks on the far shore.

When I called Carol tonight, she reminded me that she had been born here (though her family moved to Boston before she was in kindergarden). Her parents were French Canadians--and there are still lots of those in this area, since it's just south of Quebec. Over half of the campers at our last park were French speaking.

Tomorrow we plan to bike the trail and explore the College Street pedestrian mall.

We stopped at the Price Chopper Market to pick up some fruits and veggies. I couldn't resist the fresh baked bread warm out of the oven, so we had some for supper with our salad and leftover pizza.