Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Washington's Birthday

Today we celebrate Washington's birthday--or once upon a time, we used to. Now we call it Presidents Day instead, and we celebrate on the third Monday in February, so Federal employees can have a three day weekend. For us retirees, every weekend is extended....

This afternoon we danced to Randy, who had just returned from a fabulous time calling in Japan. He said that 2,600 people had attended the weekend event. He and his sister, Dee Dee, taught a caller school (must have been very compressed!).

After the dance we headed north on 281 to the Goodwill Store to drop off some things we had been collecting for a while, plus a bike that Tim and Rosie wanted to donate. Then we headed to Bicycle World to drop our bikes off for a tune-up. Traveling is hard on bikes.

Tonight we watched the first episode of Any Human Heart. It's described by critics as a British literary Forrest Gump, as the main character's life intersects with many of the formative events and people of the 20th century. Logan Montstuart has none of the naive innocence of Gump, and instead seems to have all the weaknesses and sleaze of the bon-vivant.