My 64th birthday dawned sunny and warm--an auspicious beginning for a day made memorable by the emails and phone calls of family and friends to wish me a happy birthday. From Cody, Wyoming, the gang called to sing Happy Birthday. Chris and Annie sang a rousing chorus from Portland. It was great to hear from everyone, especially all my wonderful kids.
Ken took me to Menopause, the Musical! He braved the crowds of women and was one of the few men in the audience, but his laughter and applause indicated that he enjoyed the performance as much as I did. It was riotous! Just when I thought it was over the top, the next scene would be even more uproarious. The four women who played the parts had excellent voices, stage presence, and physical humor, and we were all aware that there was a deeper message behind the laughs. The "silent passage" is anything but silent in this rendition, which counsels self acceptance while acknowledging the difficulties of hot flashes and mood swings. if this musical comes anywhere near you, GO SEE IT! What a wonderful birthday gift. And profits from merchandise sales (including hot flash fans) go towards a foundation dedicated to women's issues like promoting awareness of ovarian cancer and rebuilding homes for women who have lost theirs in natural disasters.
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After the performance we walked over to the Church Street Marketplace in search of some dessert to cap off the evening. We found plenty of street life, including live music in every block. The flourless chocolate cake at Halvorson's Upstreet Cafe was delicious.
Parking downtown was a challenge. Meters were free after 6 p.m., but we had to search to find a space 3 blocks away. Biking was much easier.
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