Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Walking Outdoors

We finally got to go outside to walk today, as the temperature actually rose above 50° and the wind abated. Not that it was actually warm, but we did see our shadows briefly once. The sun peeked through the cloud cover for only a short time, but it sure made us feel better.

Tonight we went to Joe's dance. We had five squares plus two couples. We were in more squares that struggled than usual, but we definitely had fun. We missed all our buddies. Pottingers and Walenters are still away on their Big Bend trip.

Steve and Jan got up at 5:00 a.m. to get to the hospital for a 6:00 a.m. appointment this morning. Steve was scheduled for angioplasty and a possible stent. Fortunately no stent was needed, but one valve showed some weakness. Steve has an appointment next week to get the results of his echocardiogram and the options for treatment. We are glad to hear that Steve is mainly okay.