Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Hiking and Pizza

Our big outing today was a hike up Sawnee Mountain. Jesse stayed home with Ed while the rest of us headed out.

We arrived at a parking lot by a nice visitor center, where we picked up a trail map. Julie and the kids had done the hike before, but a couple of years ago.

We went out to dinner. The consensus choice was pizza (always a winner with the kids). Ed and Julie suggested zPizza. It's evidently a chain, although we have not seen it before. It offers fresh, local, organic ingredients and interesting combinations. When Julie went to start the Sequoia, it wouldn't turn over, so Ed tried to jump start it from our truck, with no luck. We took the truck and Ed's Lexus and headed out.

After dinner we went to Costco, which is right nearby. I always jump at the chance to visit Costco, since they carry some things we really like, including La Brea whole grain bread and a good supply of nuts and cheese. I was disappointed not to find Field Roast meatless sausage, which I had seen at the Costco near Flower Mound. I did find some frozen wild caught sockeye salmon. Ed tried to find a battery for the Sequoia, but Costco didn't carry the right one, so he stopped by Walmart and picked one up. Unfortunately it turned out to be the wrong one, so he and Julie and I made another trip out to return it and go to Auto Zone to get the right one.

Ed gave me a present today, a stainless steel Starbucks straw cup with a pack of three brand new straws. I will try not to lose it--it's very nice.

By the time I got back from the second trip out to get a battery, it was quite late. Ken and I barely had time to get back to the campground before they closed the gate at 10:30 p.m.