Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Weather Alert!

We woke up this morning to heavy winds. The weather forecast was ominous: strong thunderstorms, winds up to 70 mph, tornadoes, and quarter-size hail were possibly moving into the Rio Grande Valley, and Hidalgo County was one of those likely to be affected. Ken retracted the rear window awning as a precaution.

Then the winds died down, and we decided to go about our day. We did our laundry, played some pool, read a bit. We were sitting in the library when Willis came in. It turned out that he is the "librarian." He was filling in for the former librarian, who ended up never returning. He's got a pretty laid back system, and the main problem he faces is that people donate more books than there is room on the shelves.

About the time we decided to head for the hot tub, the wind picked up again. We were cozy as long as we stayed in the warm water, watching the water volleyball players cope with the gusts of wind, but the run for the beach towels was a bit chilly when we got out!

Fortunately, the Valley was spared. A warm air mass moved in and changed the picture, so now all we have is rain. The plants will be glad of that.

I was surprised today to see wedding photos posted on Facebook for Evelyn (my brother Terry's widow) and Didier. They've been together for at least ten years now. They make a handsome couple, and we wish them the best.

Our truck is a mess. The rain mixed with dusty roads is a formula for a grimy vehicle.