Thursday, January 17, 2013

Blue Skies and Biking

It was nice to see lots of blue sky today. We walked around BPV and biked the Mission Hike and Bike Trail.

A good bit of the day was taken up by responding to further questions about our 2009 solar energy tax credit. It takes an amazing amount of time to fully figure out what the IRS is saying, talk to a tax examiner on the phone, and get together items to fax to the IRS. Even if they end up allowing the credit, we'll still have spent/wasted many hours in responding to the audit. Bottom line: nobody wants to get audited.

We danced to Darryl this evening, as usual, but we missed some of our friends. Hardy and Judy are still in Kentucky. Jan and Steve were picking up their daughter and her friend, their "adopted" daughter, at the airport. The girls will be in town for ten days or so.