Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013 Arrives

After a very late night to ring in the new year, of course we slept in this morning. It was a dull, chilly and overcast day, so we didn't feel very inclined to rush out and hike or do much of anything else for that matter.

We watched the Rose Parade on TV. Ken grumbled about not having all day replays with no commercials (which is what one of the local LA stations offers). We were impressed by the animation on many of the floats, and we always enjoy the marching bands.

Later we watched our recording of It's a Wonderful Life, a great way to celebrate the holiday season. I had forgotten how sad the story really is before the heartwarming ending.

We took down and put away all our Christmas decorations. Trips to Target and Walmart searching for marked down Christmas items didn't yield much. We were hoping for a somewhat larger tabletop tree and some mini-lights. I guess we'll have to search at the beginning of the holiday season next year.