Sunday, October 21, 2012

On to Tyler

Sunday morning, as usual, meant that we had fewer squares on the floor--but not less great dancing. The final half hour of the weekend was calling by Lee Kopman.

After the dancing ended, we had lunch and got ready to move on to Tyler. It was late afternoon by the time we pulled into town. We stopped at a red light, and a can next to us got our attention to tell us that our brakes had been smoking on Highway 69 as we came into town. We were only a few miles from our destination, so we continued on to RV Parks R Us. When we stopped, we checked the trailer wheels. As soon as we got out of the truck, we could smell the brakes, and it turned out that the same two wheels that had locked up before were severely overheated. We are feeling very discouraged and frustrated that this problem is still going on.

We got a call back from Bob Morris of Morris Metal Works. We had been calling to try to change our appointment to start work on our truck from 10/29 to 10/22. It turned out (as we suspected) that Bob had been out of town on vacation and out of cell phone range. That happens to us, so we could completely understand. We made an appointment for Monday morning.

Unfortunately, we won't have the hitch on the truck while the truck bed is being modified, so we'll have to wait until we get the finished truck back before we can move the trailer to a repair facility.