Monday, October 8, 2012

Kelley and Mason Visit

Kelley and Mason came over this evening, and we had a great time. We showed them around our new home. They told us all about their experiences as Tough Mudders in Austin this last weekend, and we agreed that they must be very tough to have managed to complete the challenging obstacle course.

We ate salad and pizza and baked apples and ice cream and watched the Treehouse of Horror XXIII. Kelley brought us some of the healthy prepared food that her company, Fit for Life, sells. We heard about Mason's plans to become a middle school science teacher. Altogether it was a wonderful visit.

Aren't they cute?

We had a very busy day today, starting with dental appointments in Grapevine, TX. Ken had a small cavity filled, and he got a referral to an endodontist for an infection in a tooth with a root canal. His appointment is first thing tomorrow morning.

We had some shopping and errands to do. First we got our truck inspected for the first time. It has not been in Texas before since we bought it in Kansas in April. Of course it passed with flying colors. We went to a Ford dealer and a NAPA auto parts store looking for a valve stem extension for the inner dually tire where the flexible extender that flew off a couple of weeks ago. No luck. We stopped at a Lowe's looking for a hose repair kit for a 1/2" hose (again, no luck). Then we went to Sprouts, where we found lots of organic produce and other goodies. Then on to Walmart, where we located another Aladdin coffee travel mug. We stopped by Pizza de Mia Madre to check into what kind of pizza to order, and we went to May's RV, where we found some valve stem extensions we hope will work.

The one thing we didn't do today was walk, so tomorrow we've promised ourselves we'll walk and bike a couple of hours.