Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day Doings

We spent the first part of today trying to do research on the Internet to determine what part or parts we actually needed for our water heater. It was rather confusing. We followed some directions we found to test if our problem was the thermal cutoff and determined that it wasn't. The part number that we had been told yesterday we needed didn't seem to be one on the list of parts in our manual for the water heater. We ended up deciding that we really need to just have a repair facility work on it.

Meanwhile we called some of the places we found in this area. Some were out of business, some didn't answer on Labor Day. The one place that did answer didn't appeal to us, because they seemed to decide immediately that we'd need a new air conditioner rather than offering to check it out. We talked once with a guy who had gotten his RV tech training at Camping World. He had warned us that CW makes a practice of replacing air conditioners that can generally be put in good working order in less than half an hour.

We decided that finding a repair facility near Asheville would give us the most flexibility for seeing the Biltmore Estate on Sunday, supposing that repairs might take a few days. We called all three of the Atwood authorized service centers listed for the area and found that two are out of business. The third appealed to us becsuse they have a good website and looked like a good bet. They weren't open today either, but we sent them an email message and will follow up with a call in the morning.

We ate a quick lunch and then went over to Hazel's to visit. Hazel was giving Jeff a haircut when we arrived.

Aunt Iris sat down and answered questions and told stories about her childhood, which I took notes on.  When we got hungry we fixed dinner. There were plenty of leftovers, but Hazel fixed some rice and green beans with new potatoes, saying that Mike doesn't do well with "used food."

After dinner Beth and Shirley dropped by. Shirley called Marissa to come over and show off her graduation photo proofs. She had several different poses in different outfits and had picked out her top five. She is very photogenic, so all the photos were appealing. Shirley said they'd have to take up a collection to buy any (two 5x7's and some smaller ones of one pose cost $179--glad I'm not having to finance a graduate this year!).

Brenda, Hazel, Shirley, Marissa, Lee, Aunt Iris, and Uncle Jesse gathered around the Magee table (Beth ran when the camera came out)

Then Uncle Jesse and Aunt Essie stopped. Finally Brenda came by. Jesse and Floyd had been out in the field, getting ready for hunting season to open later this week. We had hoped to get together with Brenda and Floyd and Jesse and Essie later in the week, but it's looking like we'll be busy with repairs, so this will probably be our last visit with them.

We looked at old photos and genealogy materials and reminisced. And we looked at photos of Beth's new granddaughter(Iris's great-granddaughter). Lots of bonding and strengthening family ties.

Shirley laughing as Mike Magee regales her with some story (Essie and Hazel in the background)

Aunt Iris and Beth will leave for home in the morning, so we said goodbye to them.

Ken tooks these photos out in front of the house:

Root ball of the large tree that fell on the house during Irene

Lovely hibiscus

Brenda talked to me for a while. She mentioned that she flies into Portland three times a year to visit her granddaughter Gabby who lives in Chehalis, WA. Gabby is twelve now, a year younger than Annie. She comes to visit Floyd and Brenda during the summer too. She had just come to visit when Brenda fell down the stairs and fractured her spine and pelvis last month.

The delicious green beans we had for dinner were canned last year. This year the deer ate the green bean plants almost to the ground before the beans could be picked. Mike complained that turtles are also pests in the garden.