Thursday, June 2, 2011

On to Oklahoma

We hit the road just before 9:00 a.m., headed for Oklahoma. We were lucky enough to find pleasant spots for all our stops. The first was this picnic area, where we were impressed by the unusual picnic table shelters. I guess they're designed to survive storms. Along the route, we saw several large highway signs that had obviously not held up too well in the wind, as they were lying crumpled on the ground.

Our next rest stop was at the Oklahoma Visitor Information Center, just north of the Oklahoma/Texas border on Hwy 69. We got some free coffee and perused the brochures while taking advantage of the air conditioning.

We stopped at the Confederate Memorial Museum & Cemetery, Information & Rest Area in Atoka, OK, and had a picnic lunch under some shady oak trees. We didn't visit the museum, but continued on our journey.

We are staying at the Crowder Point Family Campground, located on Lake Eufala, one of the muddiest lakes we've ever seen. Perhaps the recent flooding is responsible for the muddy water. The park used to be a Corps of Engineers facility, but was purchased and reopened by the current owners. Our site is basically parallel parking, but it's along the lake, and we could watch the sunset out our picture window.

Here's a bunny we spotted on our walk tonight. It held very still in hopes that we wouldn't see it.

Despite the heat, I decided to bake tonight. We have fresh banana bread and brown bread--yum!